Enlistment day pics.=))
enlistment day was kind of emo luh,dad,mum,Bros,sis&granny attended.felt tat kind of shit feeling inside me,as though im lyk dying lyk tat.haha.
tored ard camp,had lunch wif family,hair-cutting session before leaving my family for army life.=)

anxiousness & nervousness filled me up tat day.
back from army after 2wks of tough training,iswear,bt it was fun though,makin lotz of buddies& budilin bonds wif the sergants&officers in the platoon,an we did had a realli realli hard time,it felt lyk we were treated lyk dogs sometimes. Running 12km& marching 9.5km in the last 2wks was no feat bt still able ta take it.everydae was as usually tough&boring,now let u guyz see this,whether its boring ta u ???haha.
5.30am-Reville(wake up)
5.45am-5BX(5 basic exercise)
6.15am-Area cleaning
7.30am-Morning Run(2.6km-3.6km)
1.30pm-Marching drills
3.30pm-Strength training plus GYM
7.30-9.30pm-(lesson,area cleaning,plus some nite training sometimes,nite snack)
9.30pm-Bathe,wash clothes&getting ta sleep.
10.30pm-lights off
BORING rite.
tats for sure lo.bt i've learn ta b more independent,descipline& even more man after this 2wks.and we will lyk drink bout 5-7litres of water daily too,wif water parade been held before meals,before exercise&after exercise,and im also the water parade IC which had ta lead them in saying the SAF 7 core values:
- Loyalty to COuntry
- Leadership
- Descilpline
- Professionalism
- Fighting spirit
- Ethics
- Care for Soldiers.
tiredness has also made me felt so shag tat sometimes i cant even sleep when i stand at attention manner.hee.=P
we hav ta lyk eat our meals within the time given,usually25mins wif 10-15mins spent on queueing up for food&we will b left lyk 10 or less mins ta gorge our food e fast&furious way. Food was gd&bad sometimes,we can lyk hav fried carrot cake or american breakfast for breakfast,lunch would b sliced fish beehoon or western fish&chips wif burgers and dinner would b rich wif veg,meat&stuff.lotz of my bunk mates would lyk take their rich lyk the mountain condition,then iwould alwas ask them u yao gui ah???(hungry ghost)HAHAHA. FRUITS&ICE-CREAM r alwas provided after meals&apple pie,choc bread ,apple tart&fruit cakes would b provided for nite snack. sometimes i do wonder izit they wan us ta eat&eat till b'come FAT???haha.bt my officers says its nt,its b'cause we use lotz of energy daily so e large amount of food is to give us even more ENERGY.
Trainings also tough la,bt ithink im still able ta take it,an im alwas e one tat lyk keep makin jokes&funny faces at them ta keep them going so that training's also nt so boring.haha!
some of my section mates even say i can be the best recruit coz i can lead well??tats wat they say la,&they all wanna fight wif me for tat award too.competitions r e best medicine.
ething i miss most r times when me&anthea juz went TOwn ta watch movies,eat POPCORNS &walk walk,haging out wif frenz. Although trainings tough&shag la,usually iwould hit e bed after i hav bathe,wash clothes. & admiring at myself in the mirror daily too(e guyz in my bunk call me the METROSEXUAL guy),coz i alwas take my time ta wash face&applied moisturizer.HAHA.
first week was lyk kind of tough&relax too.we get ta hav e ice-breaking session,which most of my bunk mates thinks im gd-looking & they thot im tat type of lyk playboy guy with lotz of GFs,bt i told them 'NO'.then they were lyk shock for awhile la,haha.bt afew of them r lyk real abeng type wif tattoos&alwas bedding girls&having ONS(one nite stand),they even ask me too go clubbing wif them nice time,bt itold them we'll see la,coz im a guai kia(gd kid).haha!
then every1 in my section has a GF can?!!& one of them even plan ta marry after he ORD,lyk a sweet huh?!
then whenever at nite rite,every's lyk takin ta their GFs,sometimes i do evny them la,having a gf is lyk so gd la as they can lyk motivate u?bt sadly i dont hav.tats y i felt SAD sometimes la b4 i hit the bed..
bt 1person hav been wonderful too la,tats Denise T,nite time will alwas ask me hows training&take gd care of myself all this,sometimes felt so touch by all tat&kinda motivated ta start e nxt day even bettter.=))
Most importantly iswear i do miss my family,my hair,my stressless&carefree time&also my frenz durin this2wks in the army la.hope this BMT phase can pass fast as im looking forward for my family ta attend my POP(passing out parade) which is on 09/09/09,nice date rite??!!!HAHA.
okay,nw lemme shared a joke wif u guyz,
SAF can stand for (Serverd and FcuKoff) or (SignON Army Forever).
nt funny.bye.=D
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