lyk a nice onli this pic!haha.=)
shy boy by nature!=D.haha.
didnt knw anthea was taking this,kind of natural ah?haha.=)
shy boy by nature!=D.haha.
24th dec-27th dec
X'mas at GentinG trip

went genting with eldest bro, his gf and anthea. haha on the first day we sat off around 1 o'clock and reached in the evening. bro was at full speed, with trance music blasting the speakers. bong hor yi pua hahaha. although bro was driving very fast, plus the music was full blast, me and anthea fell asleep hahaha zzzzzz. we went to this restaurant to have our dinner. they have this thing that you can press to call for waiters, water or bill. damn cool luh haha!
bro actually wanted the nicest and biggest hotel suites in genting but last min they dont have anymore rooms. coz the rich datuks all booked for x'mas holiday haha damn. so we went to another hotel and i think not bad luh. haha i slept in the same room with anthea while the other room is edmund n nico. in between our rooms, there is one door to pass through so anytime we just knock and say hello.hahaha. this time we didnt forget mongmong haha anthea's snoopy. mongmong like king luh he got the whole bed to himself. hehe
on xmas eve, we went to cloud9 to drink with bro's bunch of funnny friends.there is this joker who is damn high like always haha he kept shouting "cmon cmon" or "sure" hahaha we kept laughing damn loud luh. he was like the joker of the night. every person pass by he wld talk to them like he knew them for very long hahaha. then he even grab a girl and make the chance to intro me to her. wtf sia haha. aftertat he grabbed another boy then intro to anthea.hahaha
we spent the nights at genting eating suppers and then back to hotel in the early morning to catch some sleep. i think on the first night, bro went casino so me and anthea went to eat mcdonalds. guess wat, they still haf prosperity meal! haha! damn shiok. we ate till damn full
then we also went to this buffet restaurant, there are a lot of salmon, fruit salad, indian food, sushi, seafood hahahaha then got this handsome friend baking this bread pudding. i was very curious and went to try, i think i was the only one who tried luh!haha! then i said bye to him and we went off. hahaha.
me and anthea also went to snow city. so damn fun! haha! havent been so happy for very long. we were like kids hahaha. but aftertat my socks very wet and our hands got smell of the gloves hahaha.walau we kept eating ice-cream altho weather very cold. even we talked, got hot air come out of mouth.haha
on xmas night,we had fine dining at the olives. i had lobster soup and this fish dish. i love the snail meat luh! haha. the rest had beef steak and chicken etc.we also drank red wine and our faces become very red hahaha.the bill came up like RM1000plus. but dinner was great!
the best thing to be at genting is to play the theme park rides but it kept raining luh! then, bro bought tickets and we entered but start to pour hahaha. damn sian luh. i was so wet, then my hair become so flat hahaha. we ate chocos and wait for rain to stop. we had one ride, then the roller coaster. woah damn high damn fun luh!haha! me and anthea thought the 360degrees turn more scary, but turned out that the sliding down is more scary!!!haha! bro got anth a bear, i also helped to shoot using rifle haha.
then we left genting on the and anthea also have car sickness so we felt very sick. then anthea said she wanna puke so she took my harris plastic bag and really vomited hahaha. we reached johor but traffic jam at custom so we stayed at bro's place for the night. the night scenery damn nice.we went for supper, the chicken wings and abalone damn great. in the afternoon when they got up, we went for car wash then lunch. the food damn nice luh.hehe. claypot rice with all the nice dishes. at night we went to eat at someplace, food damn nice too.but anthea didnt eat at all cos she still feel sick.HAHA.
we watched manutd match then eat at some place with bro's friends again, more crabs and fish. i saw one waiter like robert pattinson luh haha! then we reached home around 4am. damn exhausted...............hehe byebye
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